Tuesday 5 April 2011

Horror Video Editing

At first to create my horror movie I had to put together a sequence of shots which were Quick cuts, Establishing shots, cut in and Fade out. After making my horror movie I then added sound to create the mood which is very spooky music to make it seem like a horror movie.

1 comment:

  1. Kadijah
    Excellent work!

    You have shown that you can edit video and arrange clips into a logical order. The continuity is pretty good most of the way through (there are a few places where it doesn't always flow 100% but nothing to worry about)

    I Like the way you have made it spooky by adding the red filter - brilliant.

    To make it even better you could make sure that the continuity of action is fixed up.


    Can you also upload your version with sound? I really want to see it

    Mr Monahan
