Monday 10 January 2011

300 words

300 word article
Huge and fierce tiger gatecrashes Russell brands and Katy Perry’s wedding day. Sneaked in some way through the back entrance past security guards the tiger turn up in surprise for both couples and guests where he threatened Katy and brand. However through all hassle the huge and fierce tiger was removed by security guards and both couples continued normally with their wedding. Both amazing celebrities refused to transport pics to Britain as they wanted peace and a normal wedding with no disruption. However both couples were surprised by the UK reaction to their marriage because of where they are both from. As Russell is from the UK and Katy from the USA both were still determined to have a grand wedding in the heart of India as any other traditional wedding, but fans were shocked by the couples decisions as they both do not have anything to do with India.  Grand wedding took place on a beautiful morning in the heart of India for both romantic couples Russell Brand and Katy Perry where they both made a huge entrance with tamed animals such as a horse and an elephant where both felt very special. Smiles were on both faces of the couples where 85 friends and family attended. Katy wore a beautiful eye catching sari and Russell a smart traditional suit. There were traditional Indian dishes and joyful music played by musicians which was very welcoming for all, where both enjoyed their big day. For both showing each other love Russell decided to give Katy a huge ruby and Katy giving in return a baby elephant. Both had a huge discussion about reincarnation which is very traditional. Also had a fortune telling parrot which saw along lasting marriage for both and a long lasting successful career for both bride and groom which was thoughtful for both.

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